
Propecia (Finasteride) is the first and only FDA approved oral medication that effectively treats male pattern baldness.  Propecia works my blocking the enzyme 5-alpha reductase type ll which converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). For those genetically predisposed to male pattern hair loss, the hormone DHT miniaturizes susceptible hair follicles causing the hair to progressively become shorter and thinner until it only produces, essentially invisible vellus hair. Early intervention with Propecia has been shown to be extremely effective in slowing or stopping the miniaturization process that leads to male pattern baldness.

Physician Answered Q & As

I’ve been reading a lot about megasessions on the internet. Some clinics are offering 5000 or more grafts in one sitting. I’d love to have my hair transplant finished in one shot, but I also read that this can be dangerous since many of the grafts will not survive. Do y...

Although there are no scientific studies to assess graft survival with “ultra” mega sessions consisting of 5000 or more grafts, a few clinics seem to have the capability to achieve these large sessions with apparently, good results. Without question, as the number of grafts per session increases, the need for strict, impe...

Top Q & As

My 17 year old daughter was in a car accident about 4 months ago. Thankfully she is recovering well with no permanent injuries, however during the accident...

I’ve noticed that there are a plethora of reasons why a woman would not qualify for a hair transplant, and I am interested in le...

Is it possible to get eyebrow plugs? Or like an eyebrow hair transplant? The bottom needs to be filled out, and I have some bald...

The one thing that I keep reading about is the possibility of having a large or stretched scar from a strip hair transplant. I am...

I’ve been reading a lot about megasessions on the internet. Some clinics are offering 5000 or more grafts in one sitting. I’d love to have...

First I would like to thank you for this wonderful resource. I am a 52 year man who has always had very thick hair until the...

Find A Surgeon

The International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons is a consumer organization that selectively screens skilled and ethical hair transplant surgeons. The IAHRS does not offer an open membership policy to doctors practicing hair transplatation, and is the only group that recognizes that all surgeons are not equal in their skill and technique. Its elite membership seeks to represent the best in the discipline, the true leaders in the field of surgical hair restoration.