
Hair transplant costs have varied widely for the past few decades. In the 1970’s and 1980’s the cost of a single “plug” graft would cost anywhere from $20.00 to $50.00 each. When the doctor would perform surgeries of 200 grafts on four or five different patients every day the money would pile up quickly.

Physician Answered Q & As

Is it possible to get eyebrow plugs? Or like an eyebrow hair transplant? The bottom needs to be filled out, and I have some bald spots. If a procedure like this is available, how much would it cost? -Rhonda

Yes, eyebrow transplants are possible, and when performed properly, can provide a very close to natural appearing result. These are challenging procedures, from both an aesthetic as well as technical aspect, requiring the placement of many single hair grafts at just the correct angle and direction to mimic Mother Nature.  F...

Top Q & As

I really would like to have a hair transplant, but I’d prefer not to have long scar on the back of my head. My co...

First I would like to thank you for this wonderful resource. I am a 52 year man who has always had very thick hair until the...

I’ve had two poor hair transplants in 2003 and 2004 and I am at my wits end. Unfortunately, I did not do enough research and have ju...

I’ve been trying to research my hair transplant options and I’m starting to get really confused. According to what I read on the inte...

I’d like to start taking Propecia, but I heard that it can cause prostate cancer. Is this true and if so what else can I...

I had a coronal browlift done 7 years ago and was left with a widened scar on my head. I just went to a facial plastic...

Find A Surgeon

The International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons is a consumer organization that selectively screens skilled and ethical hair transplant surgeons. The IAHRS does not offer an open membership policy to doctors practicing hair transplatation, and is the only group that recognizes that all surgeons are not equal in their skill and technique. Its elite membership seeks to represent the best in the discipline, the true leaders in the field of surgical hair restoration.