FUE Hair Transplant

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a technique of harvesting donor hair using either manual, motorized or in some cases robotic instrumentation  to create an incision around individual follicular units in order to extract them for implantation. Contrary to popular belief and device manufacturer marketing, FUE is not a new technique and has been successfully practiced by for well over a decade. 

Physician Answered Q & As

I am writing because I am wondering what to do for my situation. I am 25 years old with extreme diffuse thinning. Lucky me huh? I think it resembles more female pattern type hair loss and the donor hair, side top everywhere is evenly thinned. I think I’ve done enough re...

You are correct that if you have diffuse thinning by age 25, you would not be a candidate for a hair transplant. I would use both Finasteride and Rogaine and begin these medications as soon as possible. With diffuse thinning, it is possible to have a dramatic response. Be patient, you...

Top Q & As

I’m 24 years old with what I would consider to be severe hair loss in the front of my scalp. I’ve read that being unde...

I had one hair transplant procedure some 12 years ago which has left me with a lengthy single incision scar from the donar area, to me...

The one thing that I keep reading about is the possibility of having a large or stretched scar from a strip hair transplant. I am...

My 26 year old son has been losing his hair since about the age of 18. Hair loss runs on my side of the family so I...

My daughter is currently 16 years old. She started experiencing hair loss when she hit puberty (approximately 11 years old) as well as fairly serious acne. She...

I’ve been reading a lot about megasessions on the internet. Some clinics are offering 5000 or more grafts in one sitting. I’d love to have...

Find A Surgeon

The International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons is a consumer organization that selectively screens skilled and ethical hair transplant surgeons. The IAHRS does not offer an open membership policy to doctors practicing hair transplatation, and is the only group that recognizes that all surgeons are not equal in their skill and technique. Its elite membership seeks to represent the best in the discipline, the true leaders in the field of surgical hair restoration.