Shock Loss

Shock loss or effluvium, the shedding of native hair after hair transplant surgery can potentially effect any hair transplant patient, but in most cases is a temporary phenomenon in which the shocked or shed native hair will regrow.

Physician Answered Q & As

I had a hair transplant seven years ago and have never been happy with it. It is constantly on my mind and has destroyed my social life. The main concern I have with my hair transplant is the resulting cobblestone appearance, it looks shocking when exposed to light ie sunlight....

Tony, I am very sorry to hear about the position that you are in. Cobble-stoning in the recipient area could be due to particular healing characteristics of your skin but could also be due the grafts placed too shallow in the slit i.e. the slits being not deep enough....

Top Q & As

What are the chances of having “shock loss” resulting from a hair transplant procedure?

Due to a recent illness, my hair has thinned dramatically, particularly in the front/crown. I am considering my alternatives and wish to know the...

I scar, bleed, bruise and keloid easily… will this affect the outcome of a hair transplant? Would I be better off going with FUE or th...

I’m a 23 year old male who seems to be thinning towards a norwood 5ish pattern. I have taken propecia in both 1mg and .5 mg, bu...

How successful are hair transplants in women? – Wanda

I’ve been researching hair transplantation online and I’ve become very confused. It seems that a lot of doctors have developed their own techniques and...

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The International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons is a consumer organization that selectively screens skilled and ethical hair transplant surgeons. The IAHRS does not offer an open membership policy to doctors practicing hair transplatation, and is the only group that recognizes that all surgeons are not equal in their skill and technique. Its elite membership seeks to represent the best in the discipline, the true leaders in the field of surgical hair restoration.